"Saving Koalas for Tomorrow"

Fate & Faith

Faith and Fate are two very special koalas indeed. When KOALA RESCUE Inc was first established by our group of dedicated and experienced koala rescuers and carers, they were our first rescue! They were lost on the freeway, unable to find a path to safety. Each year, we come across mums and babies who are lost, injured or unwell. It is of utmost importance to keep the pair together, and release them together. When Faith and Fate had been checked over by vets and monitored in care, they were released in a beautiful park away from any roads, full of gum trees to eat in, sleep in and climb.

You can adopt koalas like Faith and Fate today from $10/month (cancel any time). You will receive an adoption certificate, a photograph of Faith and Fate and updates of what we’ve been doing at KOALA RESCUE Inc and koala facts via a twice yearly supporters' newsletter.

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0474 RESCUE 
 (0474 737 283)