"Saving Koalas for Tomorrow"


Clifton was only 532gms when he experienced a fall from a tree and landed onto the windscreen of a vehicle. Kind and caring neighbors were alerted to the noise of his fall and drove him directly to a vet for assessment. Due to the great height that he fell from there were concerns regarding his neurological assessment and fortunately he received a good vet report. Because Clifton was such a small joey and his mother was unable to be located, he came into care for the next 8 months until he was released at almost 5kgs. His progress was carefully charted and he continued to develop both physically as well as showing appropriate koala behaviors. Clifton will be remembered for his playful character and especially for his unusually fluffy ears for a male koala.

You can adopt a koala like Clifton today from $10/month (cancel any time). You will receive an adoption certificate, a photograph of Clifton and updates of what we’ve been doing at KOALA RESCUE Inc and koala facts via a twice yearly supporters' newsletter.

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0474 RESCUE 
 (0474 737 283)